When I was young-and that was some time ago-I remember hearing stories about Victorian women who would write to their friends or even to the man they would eventually marry. They would write long letters, often with little illustrations all about their every day life and these letters would pass back and forth for years without the writers ever actually meeting one another.
I write regularly to a friend I have only ever met once. We have kept our friendship without meeting since and bizarrely, in this day an age, we never phone nor email one another. We write snail mail.
I also keep in touch with an aunt this way. We get up to Scotland to see her once a year if possible and I see her then. But for the rest of the time we write-snail mail- as the Victorians would.
I have other friends I love dearly but who live a long way from us now. We phone now and then and email very occasionally. On those occasions when we phone I have to admit we can TALK! It is wonderful to have the chance to visit them and let the children play while we talk and talk and the men o off to look at wooden things or whatever.
Then there are the friends I have actually never met physically. I have only talked to them across a computer screen via blogs or forums and MSN. Last night I chatted for ages with such a friend on MSN. One day I really hope she can come to England. She has been so kind to us and at this very moment my oldest son The Bearded Wonder is staying with her and her family.
It has been a great blessing for me to find friends across the strange world of the Internet. People who are Catholic and actually share with me the same belief in Christ and His Church and love and loyalty for Her pope. It means we don't have to skip around the subject or hide what we believe. Some of you out there that I think of as friends I will probably never meet. In fact it seems a bit odd that my son is meeting my friend and I am not! Even if we never meet I think that does not make the friendship less real.
Friendship must surely be built on communication. What we say to one another, how we pray for one another is just as important, surely as being in the same room.
Okay I know there are times when we need to actually BE there for a friend. There are those special events, those terrible times, and the occasional crisis when we simply have to get there even if it means getting of a train for a few hours to get to the other side of the country. We've all had to do that now and again.
And of course there is the every day kind of friendship over coffee. Those days in the park while the kids play and the grown ups chill and those times when someone turns up on the door step out of the blue with a bunch of flowers.
But what I am saying is there is nothing less in the kindness and sharing of online friends, and this has surprised me somewhat. But it seems to be true.
So God bless all my friends.
Thank God for friends and family.
What a great post! I think the art and grace of letter-writing is a fast-disappearing one. My late, beloved, and sorely missed grandma was the last correspondent I had. I miss it, and I miss her.
On a separate but important note...
Any update on the chiropractic experience?
It really is a great post and i certainly agree with you that friendships that begin in cyberspace do really have the potential to become meaningful friendships.
I know just what you mean!
I have to admit I am much too impatient now for snail mail..But one does miss it. But what I truly hate is text messages on mobiles it is so impersonal.
I know friends who used to visit each others homes on Friday nights to watch video's(back then) now they watch DVD's in their own homes and text one another..Where's the sense?
Peace to you:)
I love to write letters or send cards. But I really don't have the time. It is wonderful that you kept that ongoing friendship. I have heard similar stories.
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