Friday, 30 November 2007

Thank you to Marie and Ginny of View from the Pews who are passing this award around to Christian bloggers who think the fact that 'God [is] With Us' is a bit more important than maxing out the credit cards.

Emmanuel Award
"God With Us"
In a consumer society it is a blessing to read blogs where the writer's main focus is God. Where they express their love for their faith so visibly and joyfully.In a cynical world it is refreshing to see so many blogs which are generous, giving, who care about others and demonstrate what being a Christian is about, loving God and loving our neighbor.
Through their faith, lives and spirituality, they bring God to us, they in essence make God visible, 'God with us.'
This Award goes to all the faith filled blogs who make evident 'Emmanuel'- God with us, with Joy in their hearts.
Please share this Award with Christian blogs that focus on the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior.
Peace, JOY & Merry Christmas
Marie & Ginny

I would like to pass this on to

Autumn Rose

Ebeth as she climbs those pillars and I recommend THIS post by her

Therese at her Aussie Coffee Shop has it already...

Totus Tuus family

Rita at Tigerish Waters

There are LOADS of others who could and I am sure will receive this award, and that is a heart warming thought. There are many people out there who want Christ to be the centre of their Christmas-and so He will be


Allison said...

Well, I can see why YOU were so deserving of this award. It's quite a compliment and I thank you!


Marie said...

You are most welcome Whitestonenameseeker:).

I get tired of 'consumer christmas'. It is SO good to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas, Christ with Us.

Peace & JOY to you:)


Ebeth said...


Thank you very much for this award! Everyone here, except for mwah, has been sick with a bad cold and I have been the cook, nurse, fetcher, and dishwashing/clothwashing/countercleaning, bathroom mopper,handwasher, and today sole church goer.....that was pretty lonely!! :(
So, I come up here to the computer room to veg-out for a while and have brightened my day!!

THANKS!!!!! and a very big hug!