Sunday 8 July 2007

I am going to dare to say what I love about the Novus Ordo Mass.
First of all I do love my Church which has not suffered a wreckovation (apart from a missing altar rail). I love the fact that the statues, stations of the cross, stained glass windows and pictures all help to focus me on what is happening-and are great tools for teaching the children.
The bell rings until Mass starts.
There are candles, flowers a proper processional crucifix and a thurable.
We have incense!
I love the tabernacle with its liturgically correct coloured curtain.
Bells and gong at the elevation so even the neighbours know when Christ is present. (I like that-it's a proclamation).
Sung Latin once a month
Sung English once a month
Traditional hymns once a month
Modern hymns once a month-not my favourite but the music director uses her discretion and we rarely get the awful stuff.

My favourite part of the Mass is it's 3 yr cycle (plus the 2yr for daily Mass) which starts with Waiting for Christ the already but not yet in Advent of Year A and ends with the revelation of heaven at Christ the King Yr C. It's a complete story arc of Salvation History.

I have attended the sumptuous NO Latin at the Oratory in Birmingham a couple of times. It is very beautiful and very holy.
The NO at Maryvale is usually in English when I've been there-and also very holy.
I've been to a Mass in a 1970's ugly brick thing that was done well- but spoiled by the hideous building.
Been to Mass in a pretty little fairly modern church and it was done well but lacked incense and bells etc. Sad really.
Jesus was there though truly present in the Eucharist.
I've seen the NO done horribly (a church in Edinburgh which will remain nameless) and utterly beautifully -Birmingham Oratory and 'normal' -my own parish and a tiny church some where in Shropshire-can't remember where.
It can be done well and when it is, it's holy.

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