Catholic mum who loves St Bridget of Sweden and is seeking her whitestone name (Rev 2:17)
Thursday, 12 July 2007
My parish priest visited today.
My PP popped over today out of the blue. We had a chat and he is very open to the Motu Proprio and is already thinking of introducing a TLM at our church. Whey-hey He said rather ruefully that he never felt it was right to say the Eucharistic prayers in English. He always preferred the Latin.
I did open my big mouth and offered to help with some basic catechises and working with marriage prep couples teaching NFP. LOL. I think God made me.
Yes, that's true. I only found out about it all a few years ago. I felt cheated to be honest. Having the treasure surely means sharing it. But I am a bit scared!
I am a Catholic mother with 6 children aged 18 to a baby.
I have been married for 19yrs to a good man who finally crossed the Tiber last year and joined me.
I home educate some of the children and look forward to a time when I can have all the school age children home for their education.
I am trying to have my Catholic faith inform and guide my life and my home education.
God bless you!
Lord knows someone needs to be teaching young marrieds about NFP and why ABC is wrong.
Yes, that's true. I only found out about it all a few years ago.
I felt cheated to be honest.
Having the treasure surely means sharing it. But I am a bit scared!
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